Unpaid parking fee Inquiry/Payment Inquiry of unpaid charges You can inquire/pay unpaid parking fees. Please enter your full License Plate. (eg: 00가0000) This is the entry item for License Plate inquiry. License Plate Inquiry * Please enter the correct information. Details of unpaid charges This is a detailed list of unpaid charges. Number Parking place Parking date and time Departure date Unpaid parking fee Surcharge Total unpaid There is no searched data. This is the total amount due.
Inquiry of unpaid charges You can inquire/pay unpaid parking fees. Please enter your full License Plate. (eg: 00가0000)
This is the entry item for License Plate inquiry. License Plate Inquiry * Please enter the correct information. Details of unpaid charges This is a detailed list of unpaid charges. Number Parking place Parking date and time Departure date Unpaid parking fee Surcharge Total unpaid There is no searched data. This is the total amount due.